My family here are trying to have a family service everyday. One day all the families in Korea gathered together and had a service. But! They couldn't continue reading the Bible verses because they were laughing so hard because of Joonyoung (3 yrs) and Nael (2.5yrs). We read one verse in turns and when it was the little kids' turn, they just told their stories (not many people understand though!) or murmuring whatever they wanted. Sometimes, it's very short but other times they did't stop telling, so we just have to say "Amen" to stop them. In the second picture Joonyoung just told his story and it made my mom fall down laughing! :) Yesterday I found Nael and Joseph playing "family service". They brought the hymn books and sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" themselves! Nael can sing all three verses by memory and Joseph is only clapping! It was very cute! (Somehow the picture looks weird)
Very cute stories! I see what you mean about Joseph being a Bible delivery man! It's so cool that Joseph and Nael are actually "playing."
Thanks so much for letting us in on your life Ami. I really enjoy the stories!
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