Saturday, September 29, 2007

Dancing in Turns

Joseph and cousin Josiah seem to be having a little dance competition!
They live by the credo: "Real men don't dance together!"

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Joseph Performs for his Fans

Joseph is rarely inclined to move on to the next stage of development until he has an audience. When he has many people watching though, BOOM! instant progress! He caught the idea with Grandma the day before, and then on Sunday he voluntarily grabbed this bike and started walking! Life is fun these days!

Take That!

"This will teach you to take up all of Mommy's time!"
Joseph takes out his jealousy on Ami's school notes.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Afternoon at Westminster Abbey

We visited Westminster Abbey with another Korean Joseph
(a boarder at my parents' place) and he made this amazing photo video for us!
PS. Oops~! It's 10 times faster than it should be. I'll post some of those pictures soon individually!

VIctoria Journey

We really hadn't had a family vacation since Joseph was born - in fact not since our honeymoon - so a trip to Victoria was a nice change of pace. We did all the traditional touristy things and got some anonymous gifts to go to ridiculously expensive places like Butchart Gardens. Ami's friends, in the lower right corner, let us stay with them. The place was a wonderland of photo opportunities for Ami! If you click on them you can see them better.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Video: Mommy... or Daddy?

Joseph's enjoyment of games has grown exponentially.
He had a lot of fun with this one until he got dizzy.