Saturday, July 05, 2008

National Parks

Ami's brother has taken us to a number of national parks. In the top picture, we're at Beersheba, where Abraham dug a well. There there is an altar with horns similar to the one described in Old Testament.

The second is a local temple in the town of Arad that was a model of Solomon's temple in Jerusalem, complete with a Holy of Holies. Such temples were condemned in the Old Testament because sacrifices were only able to be offered in Jerusalem. In these local temples there were often used to sarifice to more than one God, hedging their bets. It was destroyed in King Josiah's time and reconstructed later. Regardless, it reveals the structure of Solomon's temple so it was extremely interesting.

The last is a cave where thousands of holes carved into the sides. Each of these holes served as a "cage" for a pidgeon. They used them for food and sacrfices. These things are huge, almost as big and with a similar structure to a modern chicken barn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking us on this trip with you Chris - this is all really interesting!