Monday, November 12, 2007

Joseph's First BIrthday

Joseph had a ball for his first birthday! Three or four parties, presents from all sorts of people and the chance to wear a cool costume. In Korean it's called a "hanbok." Every time we put it on him the little narcissist walked over to the mirror to look at himself. I am constantly switching between thinking he looks like a Jewish high priest or one of the three wise men. We also followed a Korean tradition of letting him choose between a pen (intelligence), money (wealth), book, thread (long life), car, and a Bible. Our little genius chose the pen. Hopefully the Bible will come in useful too!
Anyway, it was all we could wish for in a birthday!

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Robyn said...

YAY!! Birthday pictures... I've been watching for these! Joseph looks SO cute in his little outfit. Man, I wish I could have been there for that! But soon enough...we'll reunite!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Joseph! You are the sweetest one-year-old we know!

Anonymous said...

There's the hanbok! No wonder he likes to look at himself; he's so colourful.
Happy Birthday, Joseph. Chuka heyo!
